Evernote templates for lawyers
Evernote templates for lawyers

There are many reasons why many law firms are using SharePoint let me list some of them:

evernote templates for lawyers

Many North American law firms depend on SharePoint for document management and as their internet/intranet portal. Whether it’s hosting a video conference across multiple locations or organizing materials for your case, SharePoint can help you get the job done. If you work at a mid to large-sized law firm, there’s a good chance you’re already using SharePoint, a collaborative platform from Microsoft that offers a myriad of functionalities.

evernote templates for lawyers evernote templates for lawyers

Notes, depositions, contracts, agreements, waivers, applications-all of this adds up to a lot of paper that needs to be safeguarded and accessible, which is why SharePoint and cloud-powered tools are an increasingly attractive and efficient option for the legal industry. If there’s one thing lawyers have in common, it’s paperwork-lots and lots of paperwork.

Evernote templates for lawyers